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Welcome to our Pastor's blog - soon to be - Elder's blog page. Our hope is that these occasional thoughts and reflections would be a means of encouraging and equipping our members.


Elders Blog

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Biblical Fasting


As our church family prepares for our upcoming week of prayer, I wanted to share some thoughts with you regarding the practice of fasting and encourage you to consider fasting during our week of prayer. Since fasting might be new to some, I thought I would share a brief biblical description of what fasting is and why followers of Jesus should fast. ...

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Battle for the Minds

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Battle for the Minds is a documentary that was made in the early 90s regarding the effects of the conservative resurgence at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Though produced from a liberal perspective, the film sheds light on just how bad things had gotten in previous years in regards to theological liberalism in the SBC. We can be very thankful that the theologi...

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New Elders, Tim Johnson & Rob Windes

3 Elders

This past Sunday FBC's members voted in favor of Tim Johnson and Rob Windes serving as Elders at FBC. Rob and Tim have both been faithful members of FBC for many years and I am so very grateful that each of them feel called to join me in leading our church as elders. A special thanks to those who have served on our Eldership Exploratory Team (Karsten Slater, Brandon Leach...

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Women Pastors, the SBC, & the Bible

IMB Missionaries

The Bible is clear - women are not to be pastors of any kind. The majority of the SBC affirms this truth....

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Army Dog-Tags & the SBC

Untitled design

It was not until I was 18 and beginning Basic Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma that I realized I was a Southern Baptist. My discovery was due to noticing under the heading "Religious Preference" on the dog-tags I had just been issued that it read "So. Baptist". It took me a minute to figure out that the "So." stood for "Southern". My initial thought in that moment? "Yes, o...

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Elder Candidates - Rob Windes & Tim Johnson

Elder Update - Media

I, along with the Elder Search Committee, are excited to share that we are considering Rob Windes and Tim Johnson as candidates for Eldership. We have met with them and from our estimation they are qualified and, with their wives' support, desire this work. They will be sharing their testimonies and answering questions, submitted beforehand by members, on Sunday evening, ...

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Elder Recommendations

Church Elders

Elder recommendation forms are being requested April 7-14. ...

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Six Questions for Calling Elders

Elder and Sheep

Six questions for identifying men whom God is calling to be elders....

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Biblical Fasting: What It Is and Why You Need It


As our church family prepares for our upcoming week of prayer, I wanted to share some thoughts with you regarding the practice of fasting and encourage you to consider fasting during our week of prayer. Since fasting might be new to some, I thought I would share a brief biblical description of what fasting is and why followers of Jesus should fast. ...

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This is My Father's World

This is my Father’s world, The battle is not done:Jesus who died shall be satisfied, And earth and Heav’n be one....

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