Band of Brothers Men's Ministry
We are a "Band of Brothers" on mission together, everywhere and every day.
Ministries do not make disciples - disciples make disciples. FBC's men's ministry is an intentional means of providing a context for meaningful discipling relationships, centered upon the study of God's Word. The name, "Band of Brothers" reminds us that we are brothers in Christ, tightly bound together because of the gospel - "our common salvation" - fighting for "the faith once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3).
Our Goal: Every man in our church involved in missional discipleship with other men from our church.
How do we feel led to meet this goal?
1) Men's Bible Study/Small Group(s)
- Tuesdays, 11am-12pm. Contact Pastor Steve
- Tuesdays, 6pm. Contact Andy Fischer.
2) Men's Boot Camp Discipleship
An intense & intentional 10 week focus on the spiritual disciplines together with a cohort of other Christian men requiring a high level of commitment and accountability.
3) Missional/Evangelistic Outreach
4) Fellowship Activities
For more information, please contact of our Men's Ministry Directors, Ryan Horrall or Nick Foster.