Worship with us at 10am. Sunday School, 9am. Live streaming of the morning service can be viewed on our YouTube channel. 

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Sermons from 2015

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December 27, 2015

Ask for Wisdom

Topic: Wisdom Passage: James 1:2–6

December 20, 2015

Good News of Great Joy

Speaker: Stephen Freels Topic: Christmas Passage: Luke 2:10–11

December 13, 2015

'Tis the Season to Confess the Centrality of Christ

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Topic: Missions Passage: 1 Timothy 3:16

December 6, 2015

A Living Nativity In a Dying World

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Topic: Missions Passage: 1 Timothy 3:14–16

November 29, 2015

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Speaker: Stephen Freels Passage: Psalm 46

November 22, 2015

Gospel-Shaped Leaders: Examples of Christian Extremism

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Topic: Missions Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1–13

November 15, 2015

Men & Women in the Church: Helping Miley & Bruce See Jesus

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Topic: Missions Passage: 1 Timothy 2:8–15

November 8, 2015

The Government, the Gospel, & Global Prayer

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Topic: Prayer Passage: 1 Timothy 2:1–7

November 1, 2015

A Hill on Which to Die

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:12–20

October 25, 2015

Aiming Accurately With the Law

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:8–11

October 18, 2015

The Church on Target

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:3–7

October 11, 2015

Entrusted With the Gospel

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:1–2

October 4, 2015

The Unrivaled Compassion of God

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Passage: Jonah 4:1–11

September 27, 2015

What You Need to Know About the Church

Speaker: Stephen Freels Topic: Membership Passage: Acts 12:1–25

September 20, 2015

Life On Mission Commissioning Service

Topic: Missions Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17–24

September 13, 2015

Repentance: Is There Any Hope?

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Topic: Missions Passage: Jonah 3:9–10

September 6, 2015

Are We Repenters?

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Topic: Missions Passage: Jonah 3:3–8

August 30, 2015

Re-Commissioned: Am I All Washed Up?

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Topic: Missions Passage: Jonah 3:1–2

August 23, 2015

Leaving the Fish's Belly

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Topic: Missions Passage: Jonah 2:1–10

August 16, 2015

Avoiding the Fish's Belly: Fear the Sovereign God

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Topic: Missions Passage: Jonah 1:4–17

August 9, 2015

Running from the Presence of God

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Topic: Missions Passage: Jonah 1:1–3

August 2, 2015

The Call of the Compassionate God

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Jonah Passage: Jonah 1:1– 4:11

July 26, 2015

The Unchanging Mission of the Family of God

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Topic: Unity Passage: Philippians 4:21–23

July 19, 2015

The Secret of Contentment

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Topic: Missions Passage: Philippians 4:10–4:20

July 12, 2015

Progress of the Church

Passage: Ephesians 2:13–2:22

July 5, 2015

The Peace of God from the God of Peace

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 4:4–4:9

June 28, 2015

Worthy Is the Lamb

Speaker: Stephen Freels Passage: Revelation 4:1–5:14

June 21, 2015

The Peacemaking Church

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 4:2–4:3

June 14, 2015


Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 4:1–4:3

June 7, 2015

Precious Blood

Speaker: Stephen Freels Passage: 1 Peter 1:17–1:21

May 31, 2015

God's Equation for the Gospel

Topic: Missions Passage: Matthew 28:19–20

May 24, 2015

Waiting for Jesus

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 3:17–3:21

May 17, 2015

The Grace Disclaimer: Run Hard After Christ

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 3:12–3:16

May 10, 2015

Mommas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Tolerant

Speaker: Stephen Freels Topic: Mother's Day Passage: 2 Timothy 3:14–3:15

May 3, 2015

Beware of the Dogs

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 3:1–3:11

April 26, 2015

Exemplary Service

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 2:19–2:30

April 19, 2015

Holy Sinners: A Work of Art

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 2:12–2:18

April 12, 2015

The Exalted King

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 2:9–2:11

April 5, 2015

The Conversion of the Chief of Sinners

Speaker: Stephen Freels Topic: Default Passage: Acts 9:1–9:31

March 29, 2015

The Emptied King Part 2

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 2:7–2:8

March 22, 2015

The Emptied King

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Topic: Unity Passage: Philippians 2:5–2:5

March 15, 2015

In Step With the Gospel

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Topic: Unity Passage: Philippians 1:27–2:4

March 8, 2015

Living and Dying for Jesus

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Topic: Unity Passage: Philippians 1:18–1:26

March 1, 2015

Unchained Gospel

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Passage: Philippians 1:12–1:18

February 22, 2015

The Kingdom of God

Topic: Default Passage: Luke 17:20–17:23

February 15, 2015

Stand As One

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Stand As One Topic: Unity Passage: Philippians 1:1–1:11

February 8, 2015

Everywhere, Every Day, Every Member on Mission

Speaker: Stephen Freels Passage: John 4:31–42

February 1, 2015

Membership Matters

Speaker: Stephen Freels Topic: Membership Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12–12:13

January 25, 2015

Our New Life In Christ

Speaker: Stephen Freels Passage: Romans 6:1–6:5