Worship with us at 10am. Sunday School, 9am. Live streaming of the morning service can be viewed on our YouTube channel. 

Join us sundays at 10am

April Newsletter

Church Family,

I’m delighted to be able to celebrate our first Easter Sunday together with you at First Baptist on April 5. Lots have been planned for our worship service that morning: celebrating a baptism, children’s choir will be singing, and the praise team will be presenting some special music.

And I am looking forward to preaching that morning as well. The Resurrection of Jesus changes everything – and anyone! We read about the power of the resurrected Christ in Acts 9 in which a terrorist named Saul is converted. Excited to be preaching about “The Conversion of the Chief of Sinners”.

A few weeks ago I challenged our church family to begin praying for at least two un-churched or unsaved people they could invite to attend our worship service on Easter Sunday – better yet, bring them to Sunday School with you too! I hope you are planning to follow through on that challenge if youhaven’t already. We will have a special gift for our visitors that morning. I’ve also asked that we beprepared, as we should each Sunday, to be intentional about welcoming our guests. We’ll extend our welcome time that morning to give you a couple of extra minutes to greet those around you, but be sureand take the time do so before and after the service as well.

Some other great equipping and ministry events which have been planned are coming up soon at FBC. The Art of Marriage Conference (April 10-11) will be packed with solid, gospel-centered content. The Secret Church simulcast on Friday, April 24 will focus on the topic of Christ, Culture, and a Call to Action. This will be a great night of solid teaching from David Platt and an opportunity to identify with, and pray for, persecuted believers around the world. And please help us get the word out about the Health Fairbeing held at FBC on Saturday, May 2. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet the needs of some folks in our community while reminding them of the priority of their spiritual health. Be sure and contact the church office if you would like to participate in any of these opportunities: (618) 263-6563.

Lastly, let me give you an update about our debt retirement campaign – “Magnifying the Indescribable Gift”. We now owe less than $50,000 on our building. Praise the Lord! Our goal is retire the remainder of this debt by July 1. Please continue to give as you feel led so that we can devote more of our church budget towards missions and ministry!

Always thankful to be your Pastor!

Brother Steve