Elder Recommendations
Our church family is in the process of becoming a congregational church led by a plurality of elders. I am thankful and delighted to share that this change was formally adopted at our March business meeting by the overwhelming majority of our members. We are extremely grateful to the members of our Eldership Exploratory Team who have devoted much time in leading us through this process. We are now in the process of seeking to recognize the men whom the Holy Spirit is calling to be elders (Acts 20:28).
Our members can be helpful in discerning the Lord's guidance by prayerfully recommending a prospect to our Elder Search Committee for their consideration. Elder recommendations can be submitted by completing the form at this LINK.
Since the Lord places a premium upon the character of prospective elders, we ask that you carefully evaluate the individual(s) you recommended according to the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 and elsewhere, such as Acts 20:28 and 1 Peter 5:1-3. Description of elder qualifcations are available at fbcmtc.org/elders.
Finally, please note that the apostle Paul does not intend to provide an exhaustive elder qualification list in either 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1, or in both combined. What he does list however, provides helpful indicators of a potential elder's genuine spiritual maturity and fitness to lead others. Each qualification is a standard that all believers should strive to meet. However, those who are selected for church leadership especially need to meet these character qualities. Paul guides the church to look for those who demonstrate genuineness, maturity, and depth of relationship to Jesus Christ. A person’s somewhat distant past is not the focus if he has been forgiven and has now demonstrated a consistent pattern of godly character in response to the Holy Spirit.
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