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The Biblical Response to Refugees & ISIS

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, I’ve joined millions of others who are watching news clips and reading articles and blogs via social media, etc. It’s clear that many Christians are torn about what to do in regards to opening our borders to Syrian refugees. So, how is a Christian to respond? Well, we need to acknowledge this is not our decision to make. Blessed to live in a democracy, we can certainly let our voices be heard by calling our Senators and Representatives. Or, because of free speech, we can vomit our opinions and vent through social media until we turn blue in the face. But in the midst of all this “talk” amongst each other, I’m reminded from Scripture about the priority believers must place on talking to God on behalf of our leaders. After all, from a human standpoint, the issue of what to do with Syrian refugees and how to respond to ISIS terrorists is a decision entrusted to our government leaders. We are told in 1 Timothy 2:1-2a “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions”. So, it seems there’s a lot of talk about what the government should do, but I wonder if there’s much talking to God going on. His Word is clear. He wants all kinds of prayers to be made for all kinds of people – including our leaders.

First, we should pray our leaders will have wisdom to use their authority so the church can be the church – 1 Timothy 2:b “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way”. (see also Romans 13:3-4). We don’t pray this way so we can live a comfortable life. We pray this way so that the corporate witness of the church can be more easily observed by unbelievers.

Second, we should pray for our leaders to be saved – to repent and follow Jesus. God desires all men to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). How do we know that? God has provided the only way to be saved (1 Timothy 2:5) and God has provided the sufficient means for all men to be saved – the death of His Son for our sins (1 Timothy 2:6). This does not mean everyone will go to heaven when they die. It does mean God has graciously provided the only way for everyone to go to heaven. What has been provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus must be appropriated by God’s grace through true repentance and faith. So believers must respond to Syrian refugees, ISIS, and befuddled politicians by praying for their salvation.

Make no mistake.This is war. Pacifism is the last thing on this veteran’s mind. Believers are called to fight. And the primary way we are called to fight is with prayer. So, before you watch that next news clip or read that next news article – and perhaps after you read what I’ve just written – pause for a moment and pray for our leaders.