Worship with us at 10am. Sunday School, 9am. Live streaming of the morning service can be viewed on our YouTube channel. 

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December 3, 2023

Romans 8:9-11 You However: Moved by the Spirit

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 8:9–11

November 20, 2023

Romans 8:4-5 The Mind of Man in the Hand of the Spirit

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 8:4–5

November 12, 2023

Romans 8:2-4 God Condemned Sin to Change Sinners

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 8:2–4

October 22, 2023

Romans 7:23-25a From the Wail of Anguish to the Shout of Victory

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 7:23–24

October 15, 2023

Romans 7:21-23 The Horror of War With Sin

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 7:21–23

September 24, 2023

Romans 7:14-25 The Wretched Man and the Beast Within

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 7:14–25

September 10, 2023

Romans 7:5-6 A Better Relationship: The New Way of the Spirit

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 7:5–6

July 30, 2023

Romans 7:1-4 Freed to Belong to Christ

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 7:1–4

July 23, 2023

Romans 6:23 God's Free Gift

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Romans, Sanctification Passage: Romans 6:23

July 16, 2023

Galatians 5:16-25

Speaker: Tim Johnson Series: Galatians Topic: Sanctification Passage: Galatians 5:16–25

June 25, 2023

Romans 6:19-22 The Fruit Of Your Slavery

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 6:19–21

June 18, 2023

Romans 6:17-18 Thanks Be to God for Life-Changing Grace

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification Passage: Romans 6:17–18

June 11, 2023

Romans 6:14-16 Life Under the Reign of Grace

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 6:14–16

May 28, 2023

Romans 6:11-14 The Living Die Fighting

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 6:11–14

May 21, 2023

Romans 6:5-10 Dead Men Have Been Set Free

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 6:5–10

May 14, 2023

Romans 6:4-5 God's Glory in Killing You

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 6:4–5

May 7, 2023

Romans 6:1-4 Dead Men Have No License

Speaker: Stephen Freels Series: Romans Topic: Sanctification, Romans Passage: Romans 6:1–4